In the DATABASE SERVICES menu, select the option to 2.1. EXPLORE THE ANNOTATIONS. The binding sites in ABS
are grouped by promoter and by gene. To obtain the whole set of 650 TFBSs we recommend you to download the
flat file. To obtain more gene features and annotations in a elegant format, as well as additional material,
this is the correct form.
Now you can see a simple interface in which you can access all of the gene entries of the ABS. You've got to
choose which of the gene entries you want to see. You can search the gene in the list by name or by accession

Once you select an entry you will redirected to the entry. Then, you'll see the references for this information,
the gene REFSEQ links, the real orthologous binding sites annotated in these promoters, the promoter sequences,
and in addition, the set of putative binding sites computationally obtained and the alignment of the promoters
to visually check the conserved blocks.
For instance, this is the information about the experimentally verified binding sites in two orthologous promoters:

To learn more about the data you can explore at these annotations, please follow this link