Now, let's go to explore the database services, that is the forms in which the users can
query the database about certain information. From the main menu, select the section 2
Now, you'll see a menu of five services that ABS offer in this first release. You
can notice the availability of a specific help link below each option. If you have
any doubt about the behaviour of every option, please consult this short handbooks:

According to the menu above, the following functions to access the collection of binding sites, promoters and genes
are available in the first release of ABS:
- Explore the catalogue of 650 real TFBSs annotated
on the orthologous promoters of each gene.
- Retrieve all of the binding motifs associated to
a given TF, filtering by species.
- Retrieve all of the promoter sequences in which
at least one binding site for a given TF was annotated.
- Construct artificial datasets based on the ABS annotated TFBSs.
- Evaluate the accuracy of a set of predicted TFBSs using
a list of known binding sites as a reference set.